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How to playin window mode?

4 posters

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1How to playin window mode? Empty Re: How to playin window mode? Sun Apr 26, 2009 5:23 pm



just do in unwritebl xD

in detusch schreibgeschützt^^ also macht zuerst WINDOW_MODE=0 dann speichern und dann schreibschützen^^

bei mir gehts jetzt ;)0

anderen post pls löäschen

2How to playin window mode? Empty Re: How to playin window mode? Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:40 pm


Exclamation Ok I just found a way to fix this first change in system.ini number from 0 to 1 or otherway around then save. dont run game yet.. then in windows explorer or Total Commander change file attribute to read only, so server cant update that file run game and it will work 100%. Cya!

3How to playin window mode? Empty Re: How to playin window mode? Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:32 pm


I got same problem windowed mode by default I change to 0 like on " other servers where it works"
and here it just dont work you cant change it. system.ini is updating from server or what ??
i hate to play in window mode cant change a thing...

4How to playin window mode? Empty Re: How to playin window mode? Thu Apr 16, 2009 7:52 pm



GMoogie:it wont work...
when ppl change the number behind window mode and save this file...
it will rechange at next luncher start...

allready try to make window mode...
or only i got this problem!


I just coppy this sentence from my folder. I just have changed it and it works...

5How to playin window mode? Empty Re: How to playin window mode? Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:47 pm



it wont work...
when ppl change the number behind window mode and save this file...
it will rechange at next luncher start...

allready try to make window mode...
or only i got this problem!


6How to playin window mode? Empty How to playin window mode? Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:03 pm



hey guys.

I got today some pm´s how to play in window mode...

Arrow You go into your Glorious Folder
Arrow than you open the system.ini (with text editor
Arrow Than you change "MODE_WINDOW=0" into "MODE_WINDOW=1" (without "")

After you have do it you only have to save it and start the game.


Ich habe einige pm´s bekommen, wie man im Windows-Mode spielt.

Arrow Du öffnest dein Glorious Ordner
Arrow dann öffnest du die system.ini mit dem normalen textEditor
Arrow nach dem du das gemacht hast änderst du "MODE_WINDOW=0" in "MODE_WINDOW=1" (ohne "")

Nach dem du das gemacht hast speicherst du einfach und startest das Spiel ganz normal.

Liebe Grüße/Best wishes

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