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I have to say GoodBye *WinkzZ*

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1I have to say GoodBye *WinkzZ* Empty I have to say GoodBye *WinkzZ* Wed Apr 22, 2009 8:06 pm



Dear Community.

First sry when this is the wrong position of these post i am sorry.

Well okay guys.. Today i got an email which told me that i have a new Job in 1,5weeks. That means, that i can´t be online for 3 month. it could be that it will be longer.. I don´t when i get the chance to come online again... But it could be too, that i can be online when they have w-Lan or something like that.
So i will say Good Bye here and ingame when i will go.
I hope you can understand and accept my decision...

I don´t know whether the GM-Team will delete my GM-Status or something liek that, that is the decision of EMoogie,MADMAX and the other GM´s..

Shocked my last week @home Sad

I wisch all of you a nice time and have fun and let the server alive Smile


Hallo liebe Community....

Falls es der falsche Platz für diesen Post ist, dann sorry und wenn es geht bitte verschieben.

Nun ja wie soll ich sagen. Ich habe heute eine email bekommen, welche besagt, dass ich ab dem 1.5 einen neuen Job habe. (falls es jemanden interessiert bei
Mein Arbeitsbeginn ist am 4.5, dass heisst für Euch, dass ich euch am 3.4 verlasse bzw in die Pause gehe. Wie jeder weiß, gibt es eine "Probezeit" welche 3 Monate ist. Dadurch werde ich ab dem 3.5 bis (vorerst)bis 1.8 nicht online sein. Es kann zwar gut möglich sein, dass ich on kommen kann, aber ich bezweifel es.
Da mir mein Reallife wichtiger ist, hoffe ich das ihr meine Entscheidung akzeptiert..

Ich weiß nicht, ob ich nach diesen 3 Monaten meinen GM noch habe oder nicht, ich denke das müssen EMoogie,MADMAX und die anderen GM`S entscheiden....

Shocked meine letzte woche zu Hause *schnief* Sad

Ich wünsche euch alles gute und viel Spaß... Lasst den Server am Leben....


2I have to say GoodBye *WinkzZ* Empty We'll miss you :/ Wed Apr 22, 2009 8:56 pm


first of all i want to thank You... thank you for all your work you've done in this server, i think we all must say you did a great job!!! think the most (i hope all of us) will miss you this time you're gone, but i'll just wish you all the best for your new job and btw. congratz for it Smile

there will always be a part missing on that server, which is CherryLady.. =(

i already miss you now.. but i'll hope you'll like your new job and will have alot of fun there!

hope we'll see / hear us soon again!

all the best

Kollegah aka Paul

3I have to say GoodBye *WinkzZ* Empty Re: I have to say GoodBye *WinkzZ* Wed Apr 22, 2009 9:20 pm



denk mal werden dich einige vermissen Smile

hast aber bestimmt mal zeit dich 2-3 minuten im forum blicken zu lassen Razz

Viel glück rabbit

4I have to say GoodBye *WinkzZ* Empty Re: I have to say GoodBye *WinkzZ* Wed Apr 22, 2009 9:24 pm



Wozu gibbet das internet kaffee^^ xDDD

PS; du wirst es schon mal nicht sein *hust*

5I have to say GoodBye *WinkzZ* Empty Re: I have to say GoodBye *WinkzZ* Thu Apr 23, 2009 2:51 pm



Have fun with ur job and good luck!

I think ur acc will still be there but not ur Gm rights Wink
there will beanother Gm!
but if ur back we can talk about it!

Special Greetz

6I have to say GoodBye *WinkzZ* Empty Re: I have to say GoodBye *WinkzZ* Mon Apr 27, 2009 11:57 pm



5 days left -.-

I will miss some ppl... It was a great time here...

nur n och 5 tage....
Werde echt so einige vermissen, es war eine geile zeit hier....

7I have to say GoodBye *WinkzZ* Empty Re: I have to say GoodBye *WinkzZ* Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:37 pm


No Sad

8I have to say GoodBye *WinkzZ* Empty Re: I have to say GoodBye *WinkzZ* Thu Apr 30, 2009 11:24 pm


well, i must say that your real life comes first Very Happy but that doesn't mean you won't be missed on the server Wink you did your job well on the server and i hope your new job suit you well Very Happy

good luck cherrylady and hope to see you soon online

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